BMW 520I / 米其林 225/55-17 Primacy 3 ZP

汽車型號 : BMW 520I 

輪胎規格 : 米其林 225/55-17 Primacy 3 ZP

自從換了米其林 225/55-17 Primacy 3 ZP最大的感受就是油門踩底的時候,輪胎優越抓地力帶來的推背感,我的BMW 520I 就是衝了出去一樣。

在車友論壇上的熱門推薦米其林Primacy 3 ZP,這款輪胎有MOE低壓續航的防爆認證,就是說,在氣壓突降的時候,依靠輪胎的胎壁,可支撐起繼續以80km/h以下的車速再行駛一段有限的路程。車友們真的沒介紹錯,全硅橡膠配方和設計低滾動阻力,在保證安靜舒適的同時有高里程表現。濕地狀態下,有優異的剎車制動距離,感覺到駕駛的安全性被提高,可以享受更無憂的駕駛。

 Since changing to the Michelin 225/55-17 Primacy 3 ZP, the biggest feeling is that when the accelerator is on the bottom, the superior grip of the tires brings the push back feeling, my BMW 520I just rushed out.

Michelin Primacy 3 ZP is a popular recommendation on the car forum. This tire has MOE low-pressure endurance explosion-proof certification. The speed of the car travels a limited distance. The riders are really right. The all-silicone rubber formula and low rolling resistance design ensure quietness and comfort while achieving high mileage. In the wet state, there is an excellent braking distance, and the safety of driving is improved, and you can enjoy more worry-free driving.




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