Audi Q5 / 馬牌 235/60-18 PremiumContact 6

汽車型號 : Audi Q5 

輪胎規格 : 馬牌 235/60-18 PremiumContact 6

工作到深夜,路面上原本車水馬龍也變得寥寥無幾,下班不會塞車,一個人回家。還好有我的Audi Q5在停車場裡等著我 很多人說,時間如流水,新車變舊車,原本開新車的激情也隨著時間在慢慢被沖淡。

愛車如命的我,就給我的車換上了朋友給我推薦的德國馬牌 235/60-18 PremiumContact6舒適胎。這款輪胎的抓地力很出色,可以清楚掌握車子的變化,就像是用自己的腳在開車一樣,踩下剎車到車子完全停止下來就會感覺到,輪胎扎實的將車剎停。好車配好胎,豈是增添駕駛的舒適性,安全性能和操控性能上也得到加持。提升駕駛的質感,重拾飛馳在路上的新鮮快感。

 Working till late night, the traffic on the road has become very few, and there will be no traffic jams after get off work, and go home alone. Fortunately, my Audi Q5 is waiting for me in the parking lot. Many people say that time is flowing, new cars become old cars, and the original passion for driving a new car is slowly diminished over time.

I love my car so much, so I replaced my car with German Continental 235/60-18 Premium Contact6 comfortable tires recommended by my friend. A good car with good tires will bring more driving comfort, safety performance and handling performance are also blessed. The grip of this tire is very good, you can clearly grasp the changes of the car, just like driving with your own feet, you will feel it when you step on the brake until the car comes to a complete stop, and the tires firmly stop the car.

Enhance the texture of driving, and regain the fresh pleasure of speeding on the road.


奧迪 Q5 Audi Q5

Audi Q5

轎車 奧迪 Q5 Audi Q5

Audi Q5

德國馬牌 18吋 輪胎
馬牌 235/60 R18 



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