Audi A8 / 米其林245/50-18 Primacy 3 ZP

汽車型號 : Audi A8 

輪胎規格 : 米其林245/50-18 Primacy 3 ZP

對於女生來說,開Audi A8有點不合適,車身長又重,但是她的內飾我是真的沒法抵抗。足夠的商務,出去洽談生意會更合適,就是最近感覺可能車開久了,我的小8經過濕滑的路,感覺有點力不從心,所以想著給她換個好一點的“跑鞋”。

問了很多朋友都是推薦米其林Primacy 3 ZP舒適防爆胎,都說開起來會感覺特別的安靜,濕地制動優異,抓地力強。而且耐用有高里程表現,失壓續跑,跑起來感覺到車胎軟軟的抓著地面,開始還擔心會不會不耐磨,那天開車壓過路邊的一塊石頭,下車檢查了沒什麼問題。大空間的舒適感搭配18吋米其林245/50-18 Primacy 3 ZP,無論是坐車的人還是開車的人都能享受安靜舒適的駕駛旅程。

For girls, driving the Audi A8 is a bit inappropriate. The body is long and heavy, but I really can't resist her interior. Enough business, it would be more suitable to go out to discuss business, but recently I feel that the car may have been driving for a long time, my Audi A8 is a bit powerless after passing through a slippery road, so I want to change her "running shoes."

I asked many friends, they recommend the Michelin Primacy 3 ZP comfortable run-flat tires. They all said that they will feel particularly quiet when driving, with excellent wet braking and strong grip. Moreover, it is durable and has a high mileage performance. It continued to run without pressure. When it ran, I felt that the tires were softly grasping the ground. At first, I was worried about whether it would be wear-resistant. I drove over a stone on the side of the road that day. With the comfort of a large space and the 18-inch Michelin 245/50-18 Primacy 3 ZP, both car riders and drivers can enjoy a quiet and comfortable driving journey.







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