PORSCHE cayenne / 米其林 295/35-21 Latitude Sport3 N1

每個男生的座駕就像鎧甲一樣,所以在購入第一臺車的時候,做了很多功課,因為喜歡大車,就去了JEEP,路虎還有保時捷,經過試駕在比較之後對比操控性還有性能各方面,買下PORSCHE cayenne。高性能發動機一腳油門開啟,方向盤很輕,很好操控。

輪胎方面也做了功課, 選擇了米其林 295/35-21 Latitude Sport3 N1 ,21吋,原廠性能認證胎。儘管是在巡山的時候,遇到砂礫石子也不怕會劃破輪胎,輪胎表面加入了細小溝槽,胎面浮水排水能力更佳,在濕地環境下讓輪胎與地面帶來極強的抓地力,讓你安全無阻馳騁在艱險路面也不在話下。

 Every boys car is like armor, so when i bought the first car, i did a lot of homework. Because i liked big cars, I went to JEEP, Land Rover and PORSCHE for test drive. In all aspects of performance, i buy the PORSCHE cayenne. The high-performance engine start the throttle with one kick, the steering wheel is very light, it is easy to control.

I also did some search on the tires, and chose the Michelin 295/35-21 Latitude Sport3 N1 , 21-inch. Even though I was patrolling the mountains, I was not afraid of scratching the tires when driving across the gravel road. Tiny grooves are added to the surface of the tire, and the tread has a better floating and drainage ability. In a wet environment, the tire and the ground bring strong grip,safety riding on difficult and dangerous roads is no problem.

PORSCHE cayenne 搭配 性能認證胎

米其林 295/35-21 Latitude Sport3 N1




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