BMW X1 / 米其林 225/45-18 Pilot Sport4

出來社會工作之後,少了很多時間可以陪她,陪伴我的是我的BMW X1跟我一起向她奔赴。為了保護她,給她多點安全感,即使跟她在雨林裡穿越,也可以無所畏懼。我想要給她最好的。

 去找她之前,我特地換上了米其林 225/45-18 Pilot Sport4。去的路上下著雨,車多緩行,換了輪胎之後,每次踩下剎車就像是我下車撐著傘站在原地停住了一樣,濕地制動性能,抓地力也確實強大,說明排水性能佳。對於不平整的路面,特別是砂礫路面過濾非常舒服,而且噪音小。在高速過彎時,那種SUV硬朗的表現下幾乎沒有什麼側傾或者擺動的跡象,操控起來很得心應手。見到她的那一刻,長途跋涉過來,一切都值了。

 After I went out to work, I lost a lot of time with her. My BMW X1 accompanies me to rush towards her. In order to protect her and give her a little more sense of security, she can be fearless even when crossing the rain forest with me. I want to give her the best.

Before going to find her, I specially changed to Michelin 225/45-18 Pilot Sport4. It was raining on the road, and the car moved slowly. After changing the tires, every time I stepped on the brakes, it was like I got out of the car and stopped standing in place with an umbrella. The braking performance on wet ground and the grip are indeed strong, indicating drainage Good performance. For uneven roads, especially gravel roads, the filtering is very comfortable and the noise is low. When cornering at high speed, under the tough performance of the SUV, there is almost no sign of roll or swing, and the handling is very handy. The moment I saw her, the long journey over came, everything was worth it.

BMW X1 搭配 性能胎

米其林 225/45-18 Pilot Sport4




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