BENZ GLE350d / 米其林 255/50-19 Pilot Sport4 SUV

汽車型號 : BENZ GLE350d 

輪胎規格 : 米其林 255/50-19 Pilot Sport4suv

因為本人是比較注重安全的,很多人說SUV和雨天是相愛相“剎”,要是下雨開高速會很有點力不從心,心裡有份危機感。所以換裝了米其林 255/50-19 Pilot Sport4 SUV休旅胎,看官方介紹,外側的大橡膠花塊設計,還有內側是多溝槽設計,在向橫向的外力作用下有良好的乾濕地制動表現會更安全。出門在外,駕駛安全舒適是第一。

 I went to see a car at the end of October last year. There were only two ideas for buying a car, SUV, within 1 million. After a series of comparisons, I chose BENZ GLE350d. I have to say that the appearance is high-end and elegant, and the interior of Mercedes also feels that it has the warmth of its own space.

Because I pay more attention to safety, many people say that SUV and rainy days are in love and "brake" each other. If it rains, driving at high speed will be a little bit powerless and feel a sense of crisis. So I changed to Michelin 255/50-19 Pilot Sport4 SUV tires. According to the official introduction, the large rubber flower block design on the outer side and the multi-groove design on the inner side have good dry and wet conditions under the action of lateral force. The ground braking performance will be safer. Driving safety and comfort is the top priority when going out.





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