RANGE ROVER / 馬牌 255/55-20 PremiumContact6
在市區經常會聽到朋友們說, SUV 在市區都用不到的啦,車身又長又重,重心高,要是走山路開快還容易跑偏。並沒有聽朋友所說的我購入了 RANGE ROVER SPORT HSE ,作為一名老司機來說,其實知道,即使 SUV 有這樣的在操控性能上的不足也是有辦法彌補的。 經過一段時間開下來,我找到了一款輪胎可以解決朋友們口中 SUV 的問題。 20 吋德國馬牌 255/55-20 PremiumContact6 。在換輪胎之後過彎很明顯感覺抓地力變強,操控穩定了許多。 Range Rover Sport HSE 本身是全時四驅,對輪胎打滑是會通過 ABS 對打滑車輪進行制動來限制他的空轉,在不好的路況下也提供了更安全舒適的輔助。 即使沒有高超的車技也可以輕鬆操控猛獸一樣的 SUV 。 I heard from lot of friends said that SUV are not available in urban areas. The car body is long, heavy, and has a high center of gravity. I did not hear what my friends said that I bought the RANGE ROVER SPORT HSE. As a driver , I've been driving for years, I actually know that even if the SUV has such a lack of handling performance, there are ways to make up. After driving for a while, I found a tire that can solve the SUV problem my friends call. Continental255/55-20 PremiumContact6. After changing the tires, it is obvious that the grip has become stronger and the handling has become much more stable. Moreover, tires with s...