
目前顯示的是 8月, 2020的文章

BENZ GLE43 / 米其林 275/45-21 Latitude Sport3 MO

今天想分享一下本人買新車以來的駕駛體驗,我的車是 Benz GLE43 AMG 。 SUV 重心高,車身重,加上 AMG 超強的動力,操控難度是比較大的。開車這段時間發現,過急彎的時候會出現有傾斜的現象。難怪買車之前聽很多人說開 SUV 要保持平穩,很考驗駕駛技術。出於安全考慮,我就換輪胎來改善這個問題。 前輪:米其林 275/45-21 Latitude Sport3 MO 後輪:米其林 315/40-21 Latitude Sport3 MO 平常開車回家的時候會要經過一段山路,自從換了賓士原廠認證胎米其林 LS3 後有很明顯的變化,操作性能也提高了,過彎穩定了很多,雨天濕地的時候,感覺抓地力更強了,也沒有再出現之前側滑的現象。安全性能提高了,平時開車更安心。 Today I want to share my driving experience since I bought a new car. My car is Benz GLE43 AMG.The SUV has a high center of gravity, a heavy body, AMG's super power and relatively difficult handling. During this period of driving, it was discovered that there would be a tilt when going through a sharp corner. It is no wonder that before buying a SUV, many people say that driving an SUV needs to be stable, which tests the skills of drivers. For safety, I changed tires to improve this problem. FRONT TIRE:Michelin 275/45-21 Latitude Sport3 MO REAR TIRE:Michelin 315/40-21 Latitude Sport3 MO When driving home, I usually have to go th...

BENZ GLE43 / 倍耐力 275/45-21 P zero mo

   以前都不知道,原來因為車胎位置不同,磨蝕程度也會不同。我是前年購入的 BENZ GLE43 ,現在也快過年了啦,所以在回家之前,把車送去汽修廠美容一下,也正好檢查一下車子的情況,回家親戚朋友看到也更體面。   提車的時候,汽修師傅告訴我說是時候換輪胎了。因為平常開車,車子沒出過什麼大問題,對汽修方面不是了解,不知道要換哪一種輪胎比較好,就請教汽修師傅這邊。他根據我輪胎原本的磨蝕程度,就建議我前後配不同橫截面的輪胎,這樣子輪胎可以更號的搭配車子本身去將性能發揮的更好。他給我搭配的是前胎倍耐力 275/45-21 P zero mo ,後胎倍耐力 315/40-21 P zero mo ,後面就有了解到,這款車胎是賓士認證胎,擁有出色的幹地操控性能,輪胎材質是新配方,降噪的同時提高抓地力 , 還有安全性能,回家開車也更省心一點。   Before I send the car to the auto repair shop. I didn't know the different tire positions, the degree of abrasion will be different. I bought the BENZ GLE43 the year before, and now it’s almost the New Year. When I back to my hometown, relatives and friends will see it. So I send the car to do car beauty to make it looks more decently .I also check the condition of the car before I go home. When I picked up the car, the auto repairer told me that it was time to change the tires. Because I usually don't have any major problems when driving, I don't know much about auto repair and which type of tire t...

BENZ C250 雙門跑車 / 馬牌 225/45-18 PremiumContact6

一直有 “ 開 BMW ,坐 BENZ” 這個說法。所以買車的時候我選擇了 BENZ 的 C250 雙門跑車。相比起主運動性能的 BMW ,賓士的舒適性和安全性才是他們的主打。因為是轎跑,所以性能上也滿足了速度與激情。 不僅車要安全舒適,車輪胎裝的是舒適胎,馬牌的 PC6 ,尺寸是 225/45-18 。經過一段時間下來的體驗,體驗道路包括市區,高速公路還有山路。輪胎在實現了高操控性能,同時柔韌的來又不至於過軟的低滾動阻力,也提高了車的安全性能。一腳油門開啟,心不曾遠離。在旅途中獲得力量,不斷治愈自己。   There has always been a saying "Drive a BMW and take a BENZ". So when I bought the car, I chose the Mercedes BENZ C250 Coupe. Compared to the main sports performance of BMW, the comfort and safety of the Mercedes BENZ are their main features. Because it is a coupe, the performance also meet the speed and passion. Not only the car must be safe and comfortable, but the car tires are equipped with comfortable tires. The Continental PC6, size 225/45-18. After a period of experience, the experience roads include urban areas, highways and mountain roads. The tires have achieved high handling performance, while being flexible and not too soft with low rolling resistance, which also improves the safety performance of the c...