BENZ GLE43 / 米其林 275/45-21 Latitude Sport3 MO

今天想分享一下本人買新車以來的駕駛體驗,我的車是 Benz GLE43 AMG 。 SUV 重心高,車身重,加上 AMG 超強的動力,操控難度是比較大的。開車這段時間發現,過急彎的時候會出現有傾斜的現象。難怪買車之前聽很多人說開 SUV 要保持平穩,很考驗駕駛技術。出於安全考慮,我就換輪胎來改善這個問題。 前輪:米其林 275/45-21 Latitude Sport3 MO 後輪:米其林 315/40-21 Latitude Sport3 MO 平常開車回家的時候會要經過一段山路,自從換了賓士原廠認證胎米其林 LS3 後有很明顯的變化,操作性能也提高了,過彎穩定了很多,雨天濕地的時候,感覺抓地力更強了,也沒有再出現之前側滑的現象。安全性能提高了,平時開車更安心。 Today I want to share my driving experience since I bought a new car. My car is Benz GLE43 AMG.The SUV has a high center of gravity, a heavy body, AMG's super power and relatively difficult handling. During this period of driving, it was discovered that there would be a tilt when going through a sharp corner. It is no wonder that before buying a SUV, many people say that driving an SUV needs to be stable, which tests the skills of drivers. For safety, I changed tires to improve this problem. FRONT TIRE:Michelin 275/45-21 Latitude Sport3 MO REAR TIRE:Michelin 315/40-21 Latitude Sport3 MO When driving home, I usually have to go th...