PORSCHE Cayenne / 米其林 295/35-21 Latitude Sport3 N1

大車和雨天一直是相愛相“剎”的存在,算是 SUV 天生的小缺點。年假回家跟家裡聚餐的時候,家裡老人一直囑咐開慢點,因為怕雨天開快容易翻車跑偏。像小凱燕的馬力這麼足,肯定裝更好的設備才能讓家人更安心。 還好我一直都用保時捷性能認證胎 21 吋米其林的 295/35-21 Latitude Sport3 ,米其林有更好的技術提高濕地抓地性讓駕駛更安全,胎面的溝槽有效的將水排出,胎面接地面積大,操控性能自然也不差,即使在雨天的高速上也能平穩的開,沒感覺有跑偏。與地面更多的接觸,輪胎走的遠 , 車子會更低油耗,安全不再分晴雨天,開車的樂趣跟隨心的方向去得更遠。 Big cars and rainy days have always been the existence of "brake" in love and each other, which can be regarded as a small natural shortcoming of SUV. When returning home for dinner during the annual vacation, the elderly in the family have been telling to drive slowly, because they are afraid that the car will roll over and run off when driving fast on rainy days. PORSCHE Cayenne horsepower, she must be equipped with better equipment to make her family feel more at ease. Fortunately, I have always used Porsche performance-certified tires 21-inch Michelin 295/35-21 Latitude Sport3. Michelin has better technology to improve wet grip and make driving safer. The grooves on the tread effe...